Welcome the Source Four Leko Lights
Source Four's revolutionary technology gives you a clean white beam for unequaled imaging, crisp pattern projection, and a bright, even field. The EDLT lens tube option for 19º, 26 º, 36 º and 50 º field angles makes the Source Four even better for ultra-crisp, high-contrast pattern projections.
Rated for up to 750 watts, the Source Four is perfect for punching through saturated colours and performing the longest throws. Ultra-efficient for more lumens per watt: at 575 watts the Source Four literally outshines 1000W ellipsoidals. And at 750 watts, well, no point comparing - there are no other luminaires in its class.
Its Easy to customize online your Leko light source four at CSI Rentals New York just check mark next to each lens tube that you prefer and it will automaticly added to your rental order and you can instantly see your total rental rate.
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