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CODE: SK11286376
Please Note: Some higher valued equipment require a COI (certificate of insurance) or a deposit for the item value.
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Combination of the Joker bug 800 watt HMI daylight with the ETC Source four Leko light
CODE: SK5589959
Works with all Profoto flash heads and continuous light sources
CODE: SK2571337
Joker Bug 400 5600k HMI Par Kit
Condition rating: 8
includes: Cine Reflector, 5 lenses, 4 scrims, Diffusion filter, Glass cover
CODE: SK16553807
CODE: SK8927856
CODE: SK18741145
Universal Adapter For K5600 Jokers, Profoto Strobe, HMI, Tungsten
CODE: SK24446956
Combination of the Joker bug 400 watt HMI daylight with the ETC Source four Leko light
CODE: SK8927911
JEM Ball HMI Daylight 22" Requires Joker bug light
Adapts k5600 joker bug 800 to use with Source four leko light as HMI Daylight
Adapts k5600 joker bug 400 to use with Source four leko light as HMI Daylight
CODE: SK10934891
K5600 Joker Bug Softube for Joker Bug up to 800