Photek Sofliter Umbrella 54"

$5.00 $5.00 $15.00
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Because it is a rule that the closer the light source the softer the light our new
SOFTLIGHTER II design comes with a removable center shaft to bring the light
source even closer to your subject. This is only avaliable in the 8mm SOFTLIGHTER
II. Photek offers a 7mm SOFTLIGHTER II that does not have a removable shaft. This
SOFTLIGHTER II is suggested for use specifically in conjunction with Profoto,
Elincrome and Balcar heads. And add something even more special - Photek's
SOFTLIGHTER II SL-4000 and SL-5000 includes one each gold and silver light
enhancing discs. These light modifiers can warm the color of your light or give it
more sparkle and contrast, as well as increasing light output by a full half stop. The
SOFTLIGHTER II sets up in moments, no collars or rib set up.

Building its original design from the classic umbrella shape, the SOFTLIGHTER II
has developed that classic light source into a total system. This system ranges from
the basic professional reflector/diffuser umbrella to a most sophisticated lighting
instrument capable of a variety of lighting tasks.

Designed in three appropriate sizes, every SOFTLIGHTER II will fit any light head 7-
1/4" or less in diameter and features these signal advantages:

- Its white reflective surface, free of bleaches and fluorescence, perfectly
reflects the color of your light.

- Its stout black nylon cover stops all stray and ricochet, enhancing total light

- Its unique construction consisting of ten panels instead of the usual eight gives
more reflective surface and a more perfect circle of light, so flattering when
seen as catch lights in the eyes.

- So versatile a product is the SOFTLIGHTER II, that by removal of its black cover
and a reversal of direction, the SOFTLIGHTER II becomes everything a softbox
promises. It becomes a shoot through diffuser providing light that can be used
either as a main light source or as a flattering fill.


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