212-243-RENT (7368)
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Gaffers and Paper Tape
CODE: SK17607911
CODE: SK15942025
CODE: SK15464882
CODE: SK10583707
4 rolls: 1 Orange, 1 Green, 1 Pink, 1 Yellow
CODE: SK10583916
2 Rolls of Black,1 Gray,1 White
CODE: SK15942005
CODE: SK10583823
CODE: 301868
CODE: SK17608053
Gaffers Tape 2" x 55 YDS White
CODE: SK10582854
4 roll white tape
CODE: SK10494511
4 Rolls, Each 1 inch wide by 8 yards long
CODE: 610677
CODE: SK6992973
CODE: SK10584014
4 roll pack colors
One roll of each color Red, Blue, Brown, Purple
CODE: SK12811141
CODE: SK12807526
CODE: SK12811121
CODE: SK5403135
CODE: SK18871292
Rosco Gaffer Tape 2" x 55 Yards Electric Blue
CODE: SK5403148
CODE: SK57970337
CODE: SK18872488
CODE: SK25024763
Gaffers Tape 2" X 55 YDS yellow
CODE: SK57995076
CODE: SK57995057
CODE: SK57994378
CODE: SK57967495
CODE: SK57967828
Pro Gaff Gaffers Tape 2" X 25 Yards Black