
Date added: 11/03/2009 Canon Firmware Update for EOS 7D

Canon has announced a firmware update for the New EOS 7D , All CSI Rentals Cameras have been updated to the latest firmware  

Firmware Version 1.0.9 incorporates the following fixes.

  1. Improves AF accuracy during Live View shooting.
  2. Corrects a phenomenon where in rare instances, movie images shot by the camera may exhibit abnormal colors.
  3. Corrects a phenomenon that at certain timings, the shutter cannot be released when the camera's built-in flash or an external Speedlite is used for shooting.

Firmware Version 1.0.9 is for cameras with firmware up to version 1.0.8. If the camera's firmware is already version 1.0.9, it is not necessary to update the firmware.    Download Here
